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Stratacheck Plus

Stratacheck Plus is a highly specified needle punched thermally bonded membrane with CE certification and conforming with SUDS regulations. Designed to reduce the depth of the sub-base required saving construction costs and prevents expensive aggregates from being lost into the sub soil. Stratacheck Plus can also be used directly under turf preventing the majority of weeds from coming up through the lawn which is usually the case with imported topsoil.

  • Decorative aggregates will not be lost into soil.
  • Catalyst to build up a natural land drain
  • Easy material to work with
  • The only type of geotextile recommended for all drainage applications
  • All drainage applications
  • Directly under turf
  • Wrapping soakaway crates
  • Block paviour drives
  • Horse Manèges
  • Paved drives & patios
  • Children’s play areas
  • Under ground grid
  • Under Celluar confinement
  • Temporary protection
  • Materials storage

1. Stratacheck plus has been specifically designed as a drainage membrane where it has the ability to form a natural land drain.

2. If being used under road construction , then there must be a minimum of 150mm of compacted type 1 to avoid the hot tar damaging Stratacheck Plus.

3. Stratacheck Plus is strong enough to withstand a heavy vibrating plate, should a sit-on vibrating roller be required then use Stratacheck Supreme or Groundcheck Extra.

4. Always ensure that when constructing any sort of drainage application that only very clean aggregates are used and that larger aggregate pieces allow faster water flow.

5. Ensure Stratacheck Plus is covered with a mulch within 24 hours of laying.

Description Roll sizes Weight
Stratacheck Plus
1m x 10m, 2m x 25m, 2m x 50m, 4m x 11.25m, 4.5m x 10m, 4.5m x 100m,

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