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Rhinovent Pro

Rhinovent Pro is a low resistance vapour permeable air barrier roofing underlay. It is durable, flexible & lightweight allowing for easy installation, and offers temporary protection against wind driven rain, snow & dust. Rhinovent Pro conforms to the Construction Products Regulation (EU Regulation No. 305/2011), Underlay for discontinuous roofing (Annex ZA of EN 13859-1) and is manufactured under control of an ISO 9001 quality management system.

Description Roll Sizes Weight Wind Zone Suitability
Rhinovent Pro
1m x 50m, 1.5m x 50m
1 – 2

Weather tightness

As part of a complete roof, the product will resist the passage of water and wind-blown snow and dust into the interior of the building. Risk of condensation – the product can be regarded as a low water vapour resistance (Type LR) underlay and can be used as part of a non-ventilated warm and ventilated cold, roof system.

Wind Loading

When installed on appropriately spaced battens the products’ physical properties are deemed adequate to resist the wind loads imposed on the underlay. The product will reduce the wind uplift forces acting on the roof covering.


The product has adequate strength to resist the loads associated with the installation of the roof.


Under the normal conditions found in a roof space the product will have a service life comparable to a traditional roof tile underlay.


BBA Certification
Permeable Roof Tile Underlay - Guide to Good Site Practice